Top 7 Tips for Keeping Your Sneakers Clean and in Great Condition

Three pairs of custom sneakers hanging on a rope. Three pairs of custom sneakers hanging on a rope.

A well-maintained sneaker collection not only showcases your style but also prolongs the life of your favorite kicks. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the art of cleaning and maintaining shoes. From routine cleaning to tackling stubborn stains, we'll cover it all to ensure your collection stays fresh and stylish for years to come.

1) Understanding Your Sneakers

Material Matters:

Sneakers come in various materials like leather, canvas, mesh, and suede. Understanding the materials of your sneakers is crucial as different materials require different cleaning approaches.

Check Manufacturer Instructions:

Before diving into cleaning, check the manufacturer's care instructions. Many sneakers come with specific guidelines that can help you avoid damaging them during the cleaning process.

2) Essential Cleaning Tools and Supplies

Soft Bristled Brush:

A soft-bristled brush is essential for removing loose dirt and debris without causing damage to the shoe's surface.

Microfiber Cloth:

Use a microfiber cloth for gentle wiping and buffing. It's effective in cleaning without leaving scratches.

Mild Soap or Sneaker Cleaner:

Opt for a mild soap or specialized sneaker cleaner. Harsh chemicals can damage materials, so choose a product designed for sneakers.

Toothbrush or Detailing Brush:

For intricate areas and tough stains, a toothbrush or detailing brush can be highly effective.

Magic Eraser or Eraser Sponge:

A magic eraser or eraser sponge is excellent for tackling scuff marks on midsoles and rubber parts.

Waterproof Spray:

Protect your sneakers from the elements by applying a waterproof spray. This is especially important for suede and canvas materials.

3) Routine Cleaning

Remove Loose Dirt:

Before applying any cleaning solution, use a soft brush to gently remove loose dirt and debris from the surface of your shoes.

Wipe with a Damp Cloth:

Dampen a microfiber cloth with water and wipe down the sneakers to remove any remaining surface dirt.

Clean Midsoles:

For rubber midsoles, use a magic eraser or eraser sponge to eliminate scuff marks. Be gentle to avoid damaging the material. 

Clean Shoelaces Separately:

Remove shoelaces and clean them separately. Soak them in soapy water or replace them if they're too worn.

4) Deep Cleaning

Sneaker Cleaner Application:

Apply a small amount of sneaker cleaner or mild soap to a soft brush or toothbrush. Gently scrub the entire surface of the sneakers, focusing on stained or dirty areas.

Address Tough Stains:

For stubborn stains, use a detailing brush or toothbrush with the cleaning solution. Take your time and be patient, avoiding excessive force that may damage the material.

Suede Cleaning:

For suede sneakers, use a suede brush to gently remove dirt. Avoid using water directly on suede, and consider using a specialized suede cleaner.

Rinse and Repeat:

After cleaning, wipe the sneakers with a damp cloth to remove any soap residue. Repeat the process if necessary until you're satisfied with the cleanliness.

5) Drying Your Sneakers

Air Dry:

Allow your sneakers to air dry naturally. Avoid using direct heat sources like radiators or hairdryers, as high heat can damage the materials.

Stuff with Paper:

To maintain the shape of your sneakers during drying, stuff them with crumpled paper or shoe trees. This also helps absorb excess moisture.

Remove Insoles:

If your sneakers have removable insoles, take them out to speed up the drying process and ensure thorough drying.

6) Special Care for Different Materials

Leather Sneakers:

After cleaning, apply a leather conditioner to keep the material supple and prevent cracking. Polish with a shoe cream or wax for a shiny finish.

Canvas Sneakers:

Canvas sneakers can be machine washed if the care instructions allow. Use a gentle cycle and let them air dry. Avoid hot water to prevent shrinkage.

Mesh Sneakers:

Be extra careful with mesh sneakers as they can be more prone to damage. Use a soft brush and mild soap, avoiding excessive force to prevent snagging.

Suede Sneakers:

For suede, use a suede brush to restore the nap after cleaning. Consider applying a water repellent spray to protect against future stains.

7) Preventive Maintenance Tips

Rotate Your Sneakers:

Rotate your sneaker collection to give each pair a break. This prevents excessive wear on a single pair and allows them to maintain their shape.

Use Sneaker Shields:

Consider investing in sneaker shields or shoe trees to help sneakers retain their shape while not in use.

Store Them Properly:

Store your sneakers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Consider using clear shoeboxes or display shelves to prevent dust and damage.

Regular Inspections:

Regularly inspect your sneakers for signs of wear, loose stitching, or damage. Promptly address any issues to prevent further deterioration.

Maintaining a pristine sneaker collection requires a combination of regular cleaning, proper storage, and preventive measures. By understanding the materials of your sneakers and following a meticulous cleaning routine, you can ensure your favorite kicks remain stylish and in top condition. Remember, the key to a well-maintained sneaker collection is consistency and attention to detail. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your cleaning supplies, and let's ensure your sneaker collection stands the test of time in both style and durability.