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The V3 Black W/ White is a high-top sneaker expertly handcrafted in Portugal, showcasing premium Italian leathers in an elegant black and white design. This fashionable shoe features crisp white laces and a sleek white sole, all complemented by a subtle gray background.Introducing the V3 Black W/ White, a pair of high-top sneakers meticulously handcrafted in Portugal, featuring a sleek black and white design with white laces and a sturdy thick sole, all set against a plain backdrop.
V3 Black W/ White Regular price $335.00
Introducing the V7 White W/ Arctic Blue: a high-top sneaker featuring white and light blue panels, complemented by white laces and a textured white sole. Handcrafted in Portugal using premium Italian leathers, the sneaker is displayed on a gray background.The V7 White W/ Arctic Blue sneakers are high-tops featuring white and blue suede panels, equipped with white laces and a textured sole, crafted from premium Italian leathers.
V7 White W/ Arctic Blue Regular price $335.00
Introducing the V6 Caramel W/ White, a retro-future high-top sneaker with a striking white and brown upper, complemented by a gray heel and pristine white sole, set against a plain gray background. These sneakers are handcrafted in Portugal using premium Italian leathers, offering a perfect blend of timeless style and innovative design.The V6 Caramel W/ White is a pair of high-top sneakers meticulously handcrafted in Portugal. They are made from premium Italian leathers, showcasing a stylish combination of brown suede and white leather panels. Equipped with white laces and rubber soles, these sneakers are artfully positioned at an angle on a plain background.
V6 Caramel W/ White Regular price $335.00
The V2 White W/ Scarlet, a high-top sneaker expertly handcrafted in Portugal from premium Italian leathers, stands out with its sleek white sole against a sophisticated gray background.V2 White W/ Scarlet high-top sneakers handcrafted in Portugal with premium Italian leathers, featuring red suede accents and laces, set against a gray background.
V2 White W/ Scarlet Regular price $335.00
Introducing the V1 Petrol Blue w/ White: a meticulously handcrafted high-top sneaker from Portugal, showcasing a white sole and petrol blue accents against a gray backdrop.The V1 Petrol Blue with White sneakers are high-top shoes, handcrafted in Portugal using premium Italian leathers, showcased against a light gray background.
V1 Petrol Blue w/ White Regular price $335.00
MH0001 by Elias Regular price $275.00
Crafted with ethical precision, the V41 Brown W/ Caramel slip-on sneaker showcases premium Italian leathers in a deep brown shade, highlighted by a sleek white sole against a neutral setting.The V41 Brown W/ Caramel sneakers are handcrafted from premium Italian leathers, featuring white soles and grey laces with a striking red suede detail on the heel.
V41 Brown W/ Caramel Regular price $280.00
V32 Petrol Blue Regular price $280.00
V42 Brown W/ Black is a high-top sneaker featuring a smooth leather finish, dark sole, and minimalist design set against a plain background. It is handcrafted in Portugal using premium Italian leathers, offering an ethically made-to-order experience.The V42 Brown W/ Black are high-top sneakers, expertly handcrafted in Portugal from premium Italian leathers, showcasing black soles and laces against a light gray background.
V42 Brown W/ Black Regular price $300.00
V27 Beige Floater Regular price $300.00
A side view of the V41 Brown W/ Plaster sneaker, meticulously handcrafted in Portugal, showcasing premium Italian leathers with a white sole and gray heel detail against a plain background.The V41 Brown W/ Plaster sneakers are a pair of brown high-top shoes, expertly handcrafted in Portugal from premium Italian leathers, featuring white soles and gray laces, displayed against a neutral background.
V41 Brown W/ Plaster Regular price $300.00
The V1 Black, a low-top sneaker expertly handcrafted in Portugal, showcases black premium Italian leathers complemented by white laces and a contrasting white sole, all set against a plain gray background.The V1 Black sneakers are low-top shoes with white soles and laces, crafted from premium Italian leathers. Expertly handcrafted in Portugal, these exquisite shoes are elegantly positioned on a gray background.
V1 Black Regular price $265.00
The V4 Grey is a white low-top sneaker showcasing a minimalist silhouette, enhanced with gray accents and white laces, set against a neutral background. It is handcrafted in Portugal from premium Italian leathers, ensuring unparalleled style and quality.The V4 Grey sneakers, with gray leather, white soles, and laces, present a minimalist silhouette against a plain light background. Handcrafted in Portugal with premium Italian leathers, these shoes offer an elegant and comfortable design.
V4 Grey Regular price $265.00
The V11 Beige W/ Caramel is a handcrafted low-top sneaker made in Portugal, utilizing premium Italian leathers with white laces and a white rubber sole, displayed against a plain background.The V11 Beige W/ Caramel features meticulously handcrafted low-top sneakers from premium Italian leathers in beige and brown tones, complete with white laces and rubber soles against a gray background, all made in Portugal.
V11 Beige W/ Caramel Regular price $265.00
L0002 by Mingo Regular price $310.00
TH0001 by Leandra Regular price $265.00
Side view of the TH0018 by Joice, a high-top sneaker for women in white and black with green accents, white laces, and a rubber sole against a plain grey background. Handcrafted in Portugal from premium canvas.A pair of TH0018 by Joice high-top sneakers for women with white, black, and grey coloring, displayed against a plain grey background. Expertly handcrafted in Portugal from premium canvas, one shoe stands upright while the other lies on its side showing the sole.
TH0018 by Joice Regular price $265.00

Über unser Sneakers

Entdecken Sie unsere All Sneakers Kollektion, die eine breite Palette von Stilen bietet, von vielseitigen Low Tops sneakers bis zu auffälligen High Tops sneakers. Ganz gleich, ob Sie auf der Suche nach eleganten Low Tops für den Alltag oder nach auffälligen High Tops sind, die Ihren Look aufwerten - diese Kollektion bietet etwas für jeden Stil und jeden Anlass.

Wie kann ich meine Sneaker individuell gestalten?

Durch die individuelle Gestaltung Deiner Sneaker kannst Du Deinen Stil zum Ausdruck bringen und einen einzigartigen Look kreieren. Du kannst aus einer Vielzahl von Farben und Materialien wählen, um ein Design zu entwerfen, das Deine Persönlichkeit widerspiegelt. Ganz gleich, ob Du ein altes Lieblingsteil auffrischst oder ein brandneues Paar entwirfst, die individuelle Gestaltung bietet eine kreative Möglichkeit, Deine Individualität zu zeigen.

Wie kann ich meine Schuhgröße bestimmen?

Um Deine Schuhgröße genau zu bestimmen, messe Deine Fußlänge und -breite mit einem Lineal oder Maßband. Vergleiche Deine Maße mit unserer detaillierten Schuhgrößentabelle, die sowohl Längen- als auch Breitenmaße für Damen- und Herrenschuhe enthält. Wir empfehlen, Deine Füße am Ende des Tages zu messen, wenn sie noch leicht geschwollen sind, um eine optimale Passform zu erzielen. Wenn Du zwischen zwei Größen liegst, wähle aus Komfortgründen die größere Größe.

Wie reinigt man am besten weiße Sneaker?

Um weiße Sneaker effektiv zu reinigen, entferne zunächst losen Schmutz mit einer weichen Bürste. Stelle als Nächstes einen selbstgemachten Schuhreiniger her, indem Du Backpulver und Wasser zu einer Paste vermischst. Trage diese Mischung mit einer weichen Bürste auf die Schuhe auf und konzentriere Dich dabei auf die verschmutzten Stellen. Spüle die Schuhe nach dem sanften Schrubben mit klarem Wasser ab und lasse sie an der Luft trocknen. Bei hartnäckigeren Flecken solltest Du einen handelsüblichen Schuhreiniger speziell für weiße Sneaker verwenden und immer die Anleitung befolgen, um das beste Ergebnis zu erzielen.

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